It’s so lucky for the Moto G users because there is information about Motorola Moto G performance secret tips. As the Moto G users, you will get the benefit from the tips. It is not only will help you to increase the phone’s performance but to give more understanding.
All of us know that Motorola has some different phone’s system and entirely different compared to the usual Android. It what makes you hard to find the tips for the Moto G. But you don’t need to worry. You will get the tips at the below. It will help you to increase the phone’s performance.
Motorola Moto G Performance Secret Tips: Improve the Performance
Like it said before, Moto G is special. Why? It is because Moto G contains some feature that you will not find in any similar Android version. There is a runtime program called ART. Through this feature, you can feel the better performance.
To activate it, go to your Developers menu. Find the Setting menu and tap it. Scroll down until you find the Developers option menu. Choose Runtime, and you will see the two options. There are Dalvik and ART options.
Due to the Motorola Moto G performance secret tips have an aim to enhance the performance, then choose the ART. Once you tap the ART option, your phone will reboot. If it’s turned on, you will see a message that notifies you if the runtime program is optimizing your apps.
This optimizing process will take time. But when it finished, there is a notification about the device boosting performance. Now, you can enjoy the super performance for a better experience.
Other Tips of Moto G
Although this performance improvement will benefit you in many ways, some apps may don’t work properly. In a simple sentence, some apps aren’t compatible with the runtime. But this is not a big issue.
You can switch the mode back to the daily basis or normal mode. To process it, follow the same steps as the above and choose the Dalvik runtime option. It will make the phone mode returns to the usual way. You can do this as you need only, but the recommendation said not too often to change the mode.
Since it is effortless, you can do it anytime you want now. For the improved performance, it’s better to use it for professional purpose. These Motorola Moto G performance secret tips will helpful for some purposes such as professional and multitasking work.